SAP Overhead Cost Controlling in CO (CO-OM) Component Details & Tutorials

SAP CO-OM sub module is an application component stands for Overhead Cost Controlling in CO. It is coming under the CO module (Controlling). Here is a quick overview tutorial about its sub modules, transaction codes and tables for your training purpose.

SAP CO-OM module


Here is the list of sub components coming under the SAP Overhead Cost Controlling in CO application component with the package name they belong to.

  1. HLA0009408 → CO-OM → Overhead Cost Controlling
  2. HLA0009441 → CO-OM-ABC → Activity-Based Costing
  3. HLA0001396 → CO-OM-ABC-MD → Master Data
  4. HLA0001397 → CO-OM-ABC-PL → Process Costs: Plan Postings
  5. HLA0001398 → CO-OM-ABC-PO → Process Costs: Actual Postings
  6. HLA0009403 → CO-OM-ACT → Activity Types
  7. HLA0009401 → CO-OM-CCA → Cost Center Accounting
  8. HLA0001392 → CO-OM-CCA-BU → Cost Center Budgeting
  9. HLA0001394 → CO-OM-CCA-CL → Period-End Closing
  10. HLA0001393 → CO-OM-CCA-CM → Commitments and Funds Commitments
  11. HLA0001389 → CO-OM-CCA-MD → Master Data
  12. HLA0001391 → CO-OM-CCA-PC → Planning Closing
  13. HLA0001390 → CO-OM-CCA-PL → Cost Center Planning
  14. HLA0001395 → CO-OM-CCA-SU → Cost Center Summarization
  15. HLA0009409 → CO-OM-CEL → Cost Element Accounting
  16. HLA0001386 → CO-OM-CEL-CE → Cost Elements
  17. HLA0001387 → CO-OM-CEL-RE → Reconciliation of Financial Accounting and Controlling
  18. HLA0009411 → CO-OM-IS → Information System, iViews
  19. HLA0001436 → CO-OM-IS-BP → Business Process Reports
  20. HLA0001434 → CO-OM-IS-CC → Cost Center Reports
  21. HLA0001433 → CO-OM-IS-CE → Cost Element Reports
  22. HLA0001435 → CO-OM-IS-IO → Internal Order Reports
  23. HLA0001437 → CO-OM-IS-US → User-Defined Reports
  24. HLA0009402 → CO-OM-OPA → Overhead Cost Orders
  25. HLA0001405 → CO-OM-OPA-BU → Order Budgeting
  26. HLA0001407 → CO-OM-OPA-CL → Periodic Order Closing
  27. HLA0100145 → CO-OM-OPA-CL-IC → Interest Calculation
  28. HLA0001409 → CO-OM-OPA-CL-OS → Overhead Rates
  29. HLA0001408 → CO-OM-OPA-CL-PT → Periodic Reposting
  30. HLA0001410 → CO-OM-OPA-CL-SE → Order Settlement
  31. HLA0001406 → CO-OM-OPA-CM → Commitments and Funds Commitments
  32. HLA0001399 → CO-OM-OPA-MD → Master Data
  33. HLA0001400 → CO-OM-OPA-PL → Order Planning
  34. HLA0001401 → CO-OM-OPA-PL-MA → Manual Order Planning
  35. HLA0001403 → CO-OM-OPA-PL-OS → Overhead Rates
  36. HLA0001402 → CO-OM-OPA-PL-PT → Periodic Transfers
  37. HLA0001404 → CO-OM-OPA-PL-SE → Order Settlement
  38. HLA0001411 → CO-OM-OPA-SU → Order Summarization
  39. HLA0001412 → CO-OM-PRO → Overhead Projects
  40. HLA0001426 → CO-OM-PRO-AC → Actual Costs
  41. HLA0001421 → CO-OM-PRO-BU → Project Budgeting
  42. HLA0001422 → CO-OM-PRO-BU-AL → Budget Allocation
  43. HLA0001425 → CO-OM-PRO-BU-AV → Availability Control
  44. HLA0001424 → CO-OM-PRO-BU-RE → Budget Release
  45. HLA0001423 → CO-OM-PRO-BU-UP → Budget Update
  46. HLA0001427 → CO-OM-PRO-CL → Periodic Project Closing
  47. HLA0001430 → CO-OM-PRO-CL-IN → Interest Calculation
  48. HLA0001429 → CO-OM-PRO-CL-OS → Overhead
  49. HLA0001428 → CO-OM-PRO-CL-PT → Periodic Reposting
  50. HLA0001431 → CO-OM-PRO-CL-SE → Project Settlement
  51. HLA0001432 → CO-OM-PRO-IS → Cost Information System
  52. HLA0001413 → CO-OM-PRO-MD → Master Data
  53. HLA0001415 → CO-OM-PRO-MD-MT → WBS Maintenance
  54. HLA0001414 → CO-OM-PRO-MD-ST → Standard WBS
  55. HLA0001416 → CO-OM-PRO-MD-TE → PS Text Management
  56. HLA0001417 → CO-OM-PRO-PL → Project Cost Planning
  57. HLA0001418 → CO-OM-PRO-PL-CP → Cost Planning in the WBS
  58. HLA0001420 → CO-OM-PRO-PL-OR → Orders for Projects
  59. HLA0001419 → CO-OM-PRO-PL-OS → Overhead
  60. HLA0001388 → CO-OM-STA → Statistical Key Figures

SAP CO-OM (Overhead Cost Controlling in CO) TABLES

Here is a list of sample 15 tables coming under CO-OM component. Full list will be available from the mentioned link after this list.

  1. COTPLPT → CO-OM-ABC: Texts for Items in Process Template
  2. COANZ → Index of Objects With Down Payments/Requests
  3. COTPLCOLUMNT → Template column default texts (if not in COTPLDEFCOLT)
  4. TKALV2 → Additional AAA Field Catalog Information
  5. TKSP1 → CUA control CO-CCA master data
  6. TKA50 → CO planner profile: entity table
  7. COEJL → CO Object: Line Items for Activity Types (by Fiscal Year)
  8. KCR_T_MAPPING → Mapping of Resource/Application to Link
  9. CBPL → CO-OM-ABC: Customizing Table, Process Category Defaults
  10. T811R → Allocation table for receiver assignments
  11. COSBD → CO Object: Total of variances/accruals, of which settled
  12. T811FLAGS → Allocations: Global Control Flags
  13. COSLD → CO Object: Activity Type Totals – of Which Settled
  14. COTPLFP → CO-OM-ABC: Formula Parameter Lists for Process Template
  15. COTPLDEFTC → Table Control Assignments: Fields
  16. View full list of SAP CO-OM Tables with description

SAP CO-OM (Overhead Cost Controlling in CO) TCODES

See some sample transaction codes used with SAP CO-OM sub module. I have added Full list with details in another tutorial (see the link after this list).

  1. KVA0 → Maintain Assignment Cost Ctr./KF
  2. CJO8 → Overhead COMM: Projects Ind.Pro.
  3. S_ALR_87005432 → IMG Activity: SIMG_ORKS_KZZ2
  4. KR02 → Change Summarization
  5. KSR3_ORI → Strategy Sequence – Ordtyp PM-Orders
  6. KPEU → Flexible Upload for Excel Planning
  7. CP01 → Create Business Process
  8. CPH3 → Display Business Process Group
  9. KSV6 → Actual Distribution: Overview
  10. KP84 → Delete Distribution Key
  11. S_ALR_87000521 → IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENU0KWMKP34
  12. OKO6 → Maintain Allocation Structure
  13. S_ALR_87004257 → IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK2OKB2
  14. RPAM → Info. Sys. Rec.Ldgr: Report Currency
  15. KALA → Activate Reconciliation Ledger
  16. View full list of SAP CO-OM tcodes with details