SAP Bank in CA (CA-BK) Transaction codes Full list

Here is a list of important 41 transaction codes used with SAP CA-BK component (SAP Bank in CA) coming under SAP CA Module. You will get more technical details of each of these SAP CA-BK tcodes by clicking on the respective tcode name link.

Table T005BU

Bank Data Transfer
Menu Path : Accounting → Financial Accounting → Banks → Master Data → Bank Master Record → Transfer bank data

Transfer Bank Data from BIC Database
Menu Path : Accounting → Financial Accounting → Banks → Master Data → Bank Master Record → Transfer BIC File

Transfer BIC Data

Create Bank
Menu Path : Logistics → Materials Management → Foreign Trade/Customs → Payment Guarantee → Documentary Payments → Environment → Bank Master Record → Create

Change Bank
Menu Path : Logistics → Materials Management → Foreign Trade/Customs → Payment Guarantee → Documentary Payments → Environment → Bank Master Record → Change

Display Bank
Menu Path : Logistics → Materials Management → Foreign Trade/Customs → Payment Guarantee → Documentary Payments → Environment → Bank Master Record → Display

Display Bank Changes
Menu Path : Accounting → Financial Accounting → Accounts Receivable → Master Records → Bank → Display Changes

Set Flag to Delete Bank
Menu Path : Accounting → Financial Accounting → Accounts Receivable → Master Records → Bank → Mark for Deletion

Change Current Number Range Number

Distribution of the Bank Master Data

Distribution of IBANs

Maintain IBAN

Create In-House Cash Center

Create Orbian Bank

Create PSP Bank

Create Internal Bank for SEPA

SEPA Archiving

Activate AIS SEPA

SEPA: Create Mandate

SEPA: Change Mandate

SEPA: Display Mandate

SEPA: Display Mandate (in new LUW)

SEPA: List Mandates

Generate IBAN

Change Message Control

C FI Maintain Table T015Z

C FI Maintain Table T055G (Banks)

C FI Maintain Table T055 (Banks)

Configurable Messages

SEPA Country Settings

Countries – field checks

C Report Recipient

C Reporting Country Indicator

C Country Indicator Assignment Rules

Display of Bank Changes
Menu Path : Accounting → Financial Accounting → Banks → Master Data → Bank Master Record → Display of Bank Changes

Distribution of the bank master data

Distribution of the bank master data

Bank directory
Menu Path : Accounting → Financial Accounting → Banks → Master Data → Bank Master Record → Display Bank Directory

SEPA: Reason for Status Change

SEPA: Unallowed Status Change